
do it yourself recording

Choosing Studio Monitors

I’ve lived a lot of places and built a lot of home studios. Once, someone came in and said, “this place will drive you insane”. That was probably because every wall was covered in ugly yellow egg crate bed foam purchased from Target – a bad acoustic solution and an even worse environment to spend time in…

Choosing Studio Monitors Read More »

Don’t Wait. Create! Creativity and recording

I’ve lived a lot of places and built a lot of home studios. Once, someone came in and said, “this place will drive you insane”. That was probably because every wall was covered in ugly yellow egg crate bed foam purchased from Target – a bad acoustic solution and an even worse environment to spend time in…

Don’t Wait. Create! Creativity and recording Read More »

Following the Competition (aka chasing music trends)

I was struck by how accurately this exchange describes a problem I’ve had with the music industry for a long time. So many times, gatekeepers ask for something they’ve heard before, and artists who need to put food on the table attempt to copy the vibe of some currently famous act.

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The Value of Real Musical Instruments in the Time of Computer Magic

It wasn’t long ago that you could spot an amateur a mile away by the cheesy sound of their fake drums and lame piano samples. Back in the dinosaur age – aka 15 years ago – you couldn’t make a record if you didn’t have a bunch of great players, instruments, and a tricked-out studio to record them in – unless you were specifically making “synthy” music.

The Value of Real Musical Instruments in the Time of Computer Magic Read More »

Swiss Army Recording Rooms

Not everybody has the luxury of a multi-room studio complete with control room, recording space, and booths. Many great recordists make do with one room which serves all these purposes and more. Some people even prefer it that way. After all, who wants to run back and forth between two rooms every take? Other than fitness buffs, that is.

Still, while it may be true that a most recordists work in one room, when we talk about acoustic treatment, we usually talk about specialized rooms such as mix rooms or live rooms.

So, we thought it’d be good to talk about acoustic treatment for multi-purpose spaces – the kind of space most people actually record in.

Swiss Army Recording Rooms Read More »

Do You Need That Upgrade?

This article first appeared in Recording Magazine. I reprint it here with permission, and I encourage you to subscribe to that publication, as they are a stand up bunch of folk! Black Friday will be upon us soon and you’ll be inundated with discount offers tempting you to buy while you can. But unless you’re filthy rich, “discounts”

Do You Need That Upgrade? Read More »

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